Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lunch Time...

The microgreens I'm growing on my kitchen table have really taken off, and a friend and I will be adding them to a big salad in just a few minutes for lunch. The seeds I used were Pine Tree Garden's Kitchen Sink Mix, with over 16 different kinds greens. They were surprisingly easy to grow - after planting the seeds I covered the top of the planter with saran wrap, until they sprouted.  After that, they were ready for clipping in just a few weeks.
But, before we eat, I just wanted to thank everyone for participating in last week's Mid Month Give Away.  I'm happy to announce that our winner was Patty S. from Arizona.  She is an experienced maker of handmade paper, and is looking forward to using the mold and deckle to make bookmarks for her visitors at an upcoming art exhibition she will be participating in this May. Best wishes to you Patty!

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