Tuesday, March 27, 2007

New Beginnings!

An early spring thunderstorm (as opposed to an early morning snowstorm) reminded me this morning of new beginnings, and inspired a new card. Another winter has passed and once again my crocuses are in full bloom. After a 3 month flower pressing hiatus, I’ve been happily pressing a number of them in my Microfleur. Crocuses press wonderfully, and last year at this time I wrote a tutorial on How to Press Crocus Flowers with the Microfleur, just in case you’re interested.

My husband and I are reading through the Bible once again this year, using the NIV Daily Bible in Chronological Order. It’s awesome because since it’s in chronological order, you really get a feel for “who” and “what” fits where in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament. Anyways, one thing that continually jumps out at me as I’ve been reading lately, is how our God is a God of second chances… and third, and fourth chances, and so on and so on! The Israelites were such short-sited, ungrateful, thick headed, self-centered wimps (just like you and I can be) and yet more often than not, He willingly gives them a fresh new beginning. Even when He has had enough, and finally comes down on them, He soon longs to reestablish a caring relationship with them. He is certainly a God of new beginnings, and I am so grateful.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How does one press this?

Two weeks ago we took a family trip to St. Paul, to see my sister and her family. One of the places they took us to was the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory, bless their hearts. Much to my delight, the Conservatory had the most wonderful rainforest room, complete with a waterfall, birds, and the most incredible tropical foliage plants, with absolutely huge, incredible, exotic leaves. They were immense! And so varied - with such strong veining. If I wasn’t a Christian, I’m certain I would have tried pilfering some of those stunning leaves, but I’m not sure if they would have fit under my coat.

I found out that many of the large leafed wonders were Alocasia and Colocasia plants, also known as elephant ears. I located a number of these bulbs on ebay, but then I stumbled upon a tantalizing website called Plant Delights Nursery that has a wonderful, very tempting array of specimens. I'm so excited! I haven’t made my final selections, but I’m leaning towards Alocasia macrorrhizos (Giant Upright Elephant Ear), and possibly Alocasia wentii. I think the two will contrast each other nicely in my front garden, and I can hardly wait to try to press them…what a stunning display they would make! I’m also thinking of trying to do nature prints with them as well. I’m not sure exactly how to press something so big, (I certainly won't be able to use my Microfleur) but I have a few ideas. Have any of you tried anything like this?

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