The top 5 reasons I love anything botanical...
1. Plants are so easy to share. Press them, print with them, dry them, cook them, photograph them, paint them, pick them. You get the point!
2. The lines, geometrical shapes, the symmetry - especially in unexpected places. I still love seeing the star when I cut an apple crosswise. And when pressing flowers, I am often surprised to find that the back of the flower is more interesting than than the front.
3. They are edible. Who doesn't love to eat? I adore the fact that I can settle a few seeds in the ground, water, wait, (and weed) then eat. I also love that I can sometimes eat what I don't plant - mulberries from a tree near the library in town, wild ground cherries from a nearby field, asparagus along the side of the road in the spring.
4. Their scents. Lilacs and lavender, are no brainers, but love the unexpected pleasant scents of tansy, yarrow, hay ferns, and even weeds like dandelions, bindweed and creeping charlie. And don't even get me started on herbs!
5. Last of all, but most of all, I love that they emanate
peace. The older (and hopefully wiser) I get, the more I love the fact that plants are silent. I love their peace. I assume their Creator is responsible for that attribute.
Why are you drawn to them?
Labels: flower pressing, top 5